1.1 The purpose of this policy is to establish practices and guidelines to be followed in renting the Addis Civic Center (Old Fire Station).
2.0 SCOPE:
2.1 This policy will establish: who may rent, price of renting facility, practices to be followed, and consequences for damages by those individuals who rent the Addis Civic Center.
3.1 The Addis Civic Center may be rented by organizations, corporations, businesses, and individuals who are a resident of the Town of Addis, and who meet and agree to the criteria established by the Town Council and agree to the conditions contained in this Policy.
4.1 The cost of rental of the facility shall be set, from time-to-time, by the Council for the Town of Addis.
4.1.1 The rental fee will vary depending on the type of function to be held. Baby and wedding showers are allowed at a reduced rate of $50.00 per event. Weddings, parties, and conferences are allowed at the regular rate of $100.00 per event. Church, civic, and “not-for-profit organizations” may utilize the Addis Civic Center at no charge, upon approval of the Mayor and/or Town Council.
4.1.2 A monetary deposit of $200.00 per event will be held with all rentals and will be returned if no damages are sustained. The “Addis Refund Request Form” must be filled in prior to receiving any refunds.
4.1.3 All fees (rental and deposits) are due at time of booking.
4.2 A one-week “notice of cancellation” must be given to the Town.
5.1 The Addis Civic Center is a “smoke-free” facility, and smoking indoors is prohibited.
5.1.1 Smoking is permitted on the outside of the facility.
5.1.2 Cigarette butts are not to be discarded on the ground.
5.2 Alcoholic beverages are to be consumed on the inside of the facility only.
5.2.2 Activities, such as cooking and games, require an “open-container permit” if they are to be conducted outdoors and alcohol is involved.
5.3 The individual renting the Addis Civic Center must be in attendance for the entirety of the function.
5.3.1 Any individual renting the Addis Civic Center found not to be in attendance for the entirety of the function will forfeit all of the deposit.
5.4 Individuals renting the Addis Civic Center will be allowed in the building after 9:00 a.m. the morning of the function.
5.4.1 Renters should pick up the key to the facility before 4:30 p.m. the day before the event, or on Friday by 4:30 p.m. for weekend events.
5.4.2 Should extensive decorating be required, the facility may be rented the previous night for the regular rent, providing the facility is available.
5.4.3 All decorations, personal articles, and cookware must be removed immediately after the conclusion of the function.
5.4.4 A refund request form must be filled in before refunds are made.
5.4.5 NOTE: The Town of Addis is not responsible for personal items left after the function.
5.5 All function attendees must remain within the building (except while smoking).
5.5.1 It is the responsibility of the individual hosting the event to ensure that all requirements are followed.
5.6 The Addis Civic Center also houses a “working fire station” and all directions relative to parking will be strictly enforced by ticketing and/or towing, at the owners expense.
5.7 Parking for activities at the Addis Civic Center is accommodated in front of the facility and along the vacant lot on Harris Avenue.
5.8 The capacity of the facility has been set at a maximum of 85 (eighty-five) occupants.
5.8.1 Functions involving occupants greater than the established maximum cannot be held without the approval of the Town Council.
5.9 Functions for adults must end at 1:00 a.m. and functions involving juveniles must end by 11:00 p.m.
5.10 Decoration within the Civic Center.
5.10.1 Decoration shall be affixed to picture molding only utilizing the attachment provided. The use of tape and thumb tacks is prohibited.
5.10.2 Tape on walls and thumb tack holes shall be considered as “damage to the facility”.
5.11 The Addis Civic Center is located in a residential neighborhood and the privacy of the residents must be respected.
6.1 Should damages be sustained, the renter will forfeit all or part of the deposit and shall be responsible for damages beyond the deposit fee.
6.1.1 In order to recover the cost of damages, all necessary and available legal actions shall be brought against the renter (who is responsible for activities of the function)
7.1 The presence of an Addis Police Officer or other Police Officer as assigned by the Addis Police Department is required for any function where alcohol will be present at a rate that shall be set, from time-to-time, at the recommendation of the Chief of Police, by the Council for the Town of Addis.
7.2 Should any renter found in violation of Police Presence will forfeit all of the deposit, the function will be shut down, and the premises will be cleared of all persons.
Approved: 5/03/2006
Revised: 6/7/2013